Standard Surveyor Pickup Pack

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Brand: Highway Products

SKU: hih-surveyorpickuppack Categories: ,


These units get worked hard every day – break-downs are not an option. So like everything else we manufacture, we build our Standard Surveyor Packs™ with the same tough materials that take 2 million miles of abuse without issue. 1/8th-inch thick marine grade aluminum is standard on everything but the 1/16th-inch thick trays. 

Our Standard Surveyor Pack™ comes with two lockable low-side boxes, either a flat or dome center hatch, and our exclusive Truckslide™. Optional features include: head rack, ladder rack, additional storage trays, and a hatchback organizer. 

The Highway Products Standard Surveyor Pack™ keeps you organized so you can see at a glance what parts you’re out of before you leave. No fumbling around to find your tools when you get there. This gets the job started faster and sets the pace, with a place for everything. You’ll pack up faster and be ready for the next job.

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